Don Mason

Bold, sometimes haunting English landscapes suffused with the idea of fleeting memory, past, present and those yet to come. Don's paintings are made using oils or mixed media and a combination of tools creating a variety of marks.

 He has painted and drawn since he was a child and often paints places he has visited many times, and with which he has great familiarity. Working throughout the seasons in the open air to quickly capture a changing scene, he frequently reinterprets the same place from memory back in his studio.

 Don says ‘It’s painting a feeling…rather than being a copy, the painting takes on its own life. Changing light, sensing minute by minute changes in nature. You never know what the weather will do….in England we have REAL weather!

‘I always trust my memory, as the photo is a snap of an instant, whereas my observations and paintings are over a much longer timescale. This allows me to soak up where I am and allows my memory to intrude and influence my observations and interpretations.’